Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Creep of the Day: The Bragger

Easy identifier: I worked with this, this, this and this!
You get a strange offer of going abroad for a bikini shoot or something and when checking his profile it is full of text. Not that many pictures, but text. And it is all about "I have work with magazine Y, I have work for magazine Z" (strangely they are competitors), "I have worked with this premium super-model , I am the 10th best bikini photographer in the world" and so on.
But when you look at the few pictures he have they are not that good, you do not get a lot of hits when you Googled him (or just strange ones) and the bikini calendar you are suppose to be part of is sold on some obscure web site with way to high price tag.

One Bragger had a wordy profile on a Swedish modeling pictures community and it had been there for a while. In that profile he stated that he had worked with basically all the major new magazines in Sweden. It was so obviously a lie, but since it stayed there, I realized others may trust it! So I called the first four magazines on his list. After four calls and four e-mails later, he was contacted by four pretty pissed off lawyers. Five days later his profile has changed. :-)

The amazing thing is that NONE of the vast numbers of models he contacted, did their homework! No one contacted any of his references! For f'ck sake, if someone actually writes down references, USE THEM! And for the ones that do not have any reference, ask for one or more and check them up. Any good photographer can can spew out a bunch and a good newbie will admit that he does not have any references yet.

How does Models-n-Shoots' Creep Defense try to keep The Bragger out?
*You can not write anything on a Models-n-Shoots' profile. Models-n-Shoots is about the work. If you, as a Talent, have not worked enough to have pictures, you are not just qualified. "Is he good in bed? Don't know, but he say he is." With a reference and "it is all about work" the obvious comment is: "Shut up and suck!" :-) (No, we do not have Assignment Requests for that...)

*To contact a Model you have to be a customer, and there are not ways to contact a Model unless she/he has answered Yes or Maybe on an Assignment Request. If you as an individual are an Assignment Request Sender (customer Role) and a Photographer (Talent Role), you can send out Assignment Requests where the salary is set to zero, since you then can send out portfolio shoot AR's. If you as a Model get an AR about an portfolio shoot, you just look at the Assignment Request Sender's pictures and answers Yes, No or Maybe. No words can push you in any direction.

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