Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Creep of the Day: Mr Big Promise

Easy identifier: I will make you a star!
The modeling industry is tough.
There are a lot of models and not enough assignments for everyone. Then, when you think things will move by itself, it stops. One reason is that customers want new faces together with their products, and different models to different assignment, so you will have to spend time finding new customers.
Or you are signed in a model agency and they are suppose to do it for you.

Model agencies are struggling hard to get their models out, and to get their money back on the invested time, they will only pick top models that are good for a lot of different jobs. The days of the glamourous super models are gone! Today, it is all about hard work, being professional (if you have the genes for it to start with) and trying to work with many photographer so you will get a wide range in your portfolio. The customer needs see = believe that you are suitable for their job.

But this "law of nature" does not apply for Mr Big Promise! Nah! Thing like gravity is not his thing-he is just flying high!
He will contact you and tell you that working with him, and only him (one guy), will launch your career. He is usually a fast talker. He got quick replies on everything. He will pick you up in his car, talk so much and waves his hands all over, that he almost forgets to steer his car. He might take you to shops making you to try a lot a different clothes and all of them "looks fantastic on you!" (especially the ones revealing a lot of skin) because you are such "a super-model!"

The strange thing is that he tells you he can give you a career but his own does not really be that great. He has a rather old car, his clothes (and fashion sense) are not that impressive, he is usually not that fit and he does not seem to know that many in the business. If you bring it up, he will drop some names and then change the subject, painting pictures about where you will go (together), the show in Milano you will open and all the magazines you will be working for. "Front page, baby! FRONT PAGE!!"
But if you do your homework and check his company up, it might not be active any more,  may just be an extra name of his plumbing business, may not be registered for tax since five years back or not even his!

If you remove the pink little curtains from your eyes and think when you are with him or talk to him, you will feel something is wrong. It is too much air. Too many words. And over time, too many things that never happen.

Some of these guys are hard-wired. The actually believe what they say. When you are trying to burst their bubble, they just reject you and move away to the next target. Or maybe, I should say, the next partner to play the game with. You see, if there where no ears to listen, his talk would not work. Two believers = the perfect mix!

The more dangerous type of Mr Big Promise is the tactical one. That is the guys who has a plan, a purpose of why he is doing and saying things. He wants something from you. Often to be alone with you. Have you to come with him on that trip. Just you and him. Somewhere away from anyone…
This type is more likely to spend money on you. He might buy you clothes, trips and dinners. He is not as fast talker as the other type. This one sometimes waits a while before replying. If you take a look you can tell that there is something going on. He thinks. Or, if he is really disturbed, he has ideas, fantasies that he really can not tell anyone. You sense it, but you can not be sure. But the nagging feeling is there.

This latter type is very dangerous together with a type of Model I will talk about next week: Miss I Know I Can! To kept it short for now: What happens if the tactical type of Mr Big Promise meets a young girl who everyone said she cannot be a model, but believes the contrary and really, really, really want to prove everyone wrong?

How does Models-n-Shoots try to keep Mr Big Promise out:
*Models-n-Shoot is about the work. You can not contact a Talent unless she/he has said Yes or Maybe on a job offering/Assignment Request. So as a Customer, you can not just promise a job, you have to create an Assignment Request and fill in Payment, Location to shoot, when and a whole lot more.
*All customers in Models-n-Shoots have to have a registered, active company. OK, we can not be totally sure that the person saying he or she is working for that registered company, but we will import the company's official address and contact data, and show the face, name and contact data of the Assignment Request Sender, so you can call the company and ask about the guy/girl before saying Yes or Maybe to an Assignment Request/job offering.

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