Saturday, October 23, 2010

Chilling in Oslo

Tour now: Oslo, Next stop: Stavanger, next weekend?
Back in Oslo!
Strolling down leaf-covered streets breathing chilly air with the lovely Iren and the not so lovely Steven by my side, having sushi for lunch and assisting a photo shoot. What is that called? Just another day at the Models-n-Shoots Customer Launch Tour. :-)
Steven is planning to go to some kinky club tonight so we ended up some funky shops... Gay captain anyone? :-)

After coming back from lunch me and Iren planned a shoot. I do not mind spontaneous shoots and the often turn our really cool (see below) but I really like to go through a model's portfolio and see what is missing, finding out what picture/style the shes really wants to have. That takes planning, so just spending an hour surfing the net and talking styling, clothes and colors will most likely be worth it.

Steven had bough some new gear and booked a sweet little blond to play around with. Eeeh... I mean, practice and shoot some great pictures. Since I was off work I could just hang around, hold the fan and generally be annoying.  But I was nice and opened some beers for everyone too.
Just another day at the office. :-)

And after the shoots more beer where used and things went bad...

After Steven was ready I borrowed Therese for an impossible shoot. No real styling, a crappy bathroom with no light, a pocket camera, Canon Ixus 75 and 15 minutes.
You see the result below.
Wadda ya say?

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