Monday, July 21, 2008

Getting to Gotland and a sweet ride

The lucky models to join for Gotland was Terese A and Victoria N, chosen in collaboration with Johanna from Studio Paus. Amazingly both models and the make up artist Maria L, got to Linköping on time. On Tuesday we pack us all in with a lot of gear in a small airplane and I flew us to Visby. I would have taken 6 hours by car and ferry, but it only takes 1 hour by private plane.

When landing the first priority was to get a car big enough for a fat photographer, his models and gear. I called some of the people I got to know when working there with Gotland Ring. And guess what? Ove at the furniture shop EM, is just the best! He borrowed us a Hästen designed Mercedes and even picked us up at the airport! Hats off for Ove!

Being a models is hard. Sometimes you have to wait for hours. Sometimes you have to order the right food in bright sunlight in Visby's best beach club, Kallis.

The car has been standing since the winter so I had to get a workshop to change from winter tires, and there I cleaned it up. It was not the most luxurious ride, but it was cool! The downside was while driving, it smelled like burnt rubber inside. When driving to our location we where pretty scared it would caught fire but we where totally shocked when the back window exploded at 90 km/h!!

When picking up the car I had noticed it had been a bit loose at the upper rim but did not think it mattered. What probably happed, was that the wind caught the upper side, creating tension in the hardened glass, making it explode into pieces.

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