The plan was to check for locations on Thursday and have the primary shoot, the te

So the main shoot had to be on Saturday, an extra day for Iselin on Sunday, sending out a proposal for a bikinishoot on Malta on Monday, shoot Heidi an extra day on Tuesday, having a fashion shoot for a luxury club, Club TwentyTwo, on Wednesday and then *poff* - the week was gone.
Most of the images are commercial from these shoots, so I just add some of the behind the scenes shots Martin took and some pictures we got, just having a training shoot with Heidi in the harbor below Martin's apartement. I had to show my Malta assistants how to handle a rock-n-roll shoot - when you carry all the equipment and shoot while moving. Perfect for crowded locations or locatons where you might not get permission to shoot...
I hope you notice one thing: if you joing us for a shoot on Malta - we will shoot a lot! Be prepare to work hard, but also to have a lot of pictures with you back home.
Why do we choose to go to Malta to shoot?
- The light. Even during winter/rain season there is always a couple of days with sun
- The temperature. We shot Heidi on the balcony only dressed in baby oil and a scarf. That would not been pleasant in Sweden right now.
- The locations. There are plenty of locations, indoor and outdoor just around the corner. Ancient, modern, nature, luxury - all close. Martin and Chris are scouting them as we speak.
- The people. There are a lot of nice, helpful, friendly people on Malta. That makes a job like mine a whole lot easier and a hell of a lot more fun!
- The party. Well... There are a lot of nice clubs in Malta. Those moments off-duty can be a lot of fun there. :-)